Start Fresh?

Update for today :

I received the credentials to the new host (thanks @philfrei)

I have managed to install discourse on that server and I am in the process of importing the data again (I can run it as a background task so it doesn’t need my laptop to be up), should be done later on tonight (its running much slower than my laptop but I won’t have time to check today anyway).

One of the first issues I had was that I needed a hostname for discourse as it couldn’t run on ip only. I registered as a place holder. I have this mapped to the host now and discourse is up and running and its available for anyone to go see now. The site might be slow as its importing and the server is pretty low spec (had to re build discourse to run on 128Mb ram).

You can’t register new users as there is no email setup but I have created 2 users testadmin and testuser. I’m not sure how best to let people log in to these (either by posting the password manually) or accepting pm’s. Feel free to comment.

If anyone has any questions, its quickest to get me on the discord but I will be checking here too.

Feel free to set up any SMTP service you feel like on the box. For testing purposes just local SMTP would be fine. Later on you can point it at Google or something.

Cas :slight_smile:

Google is my back up plan as it allows you to send a small amount for free, the current data dump doesn’t have any emails so it will be people creating new users.

Some other next steps will be to brand things, I’ll need to get a copy from river of the jgo image files (or down load the ones I can see).

As far as I understand it, there is not much of a discussion here. It seems to me as if you got the idea of using JForum, because Java, stuck in your head and are willing to go for “good enough”.

Everybody else seems to disagree with that; so do I.

The design chosen by Javaranch is not a case of “not something that would be good for us” but a clear case of “who the hell ever thought this would be a good idea?”.

The layout and design is messy, outdated in many ways and extremely difficult to navigate.

If you want to do this with any kind of support behind you, you will most likely have to go with either Discourse or Flarum.

@Drenius If you have answers to these questions, I would be most appreciative. I’m here to learn. But mostly I am just happy the ball is rolling once again. My top desire for the site has been to get our topics expanded to include more about publishing-related issues and various target systems.

Data import completed some time overnight, so feel free to look at discourse in all its default form showing jgo posts

As a comparison here are the url differences

Its going to be an issue mapping jgo urls to a new forum set of urls as things currently stand

The other issue that needs more time is the conversion of Image and Youtube bbg codes, code tags seem to have worked fine but there is a specific part of the migration script that looks at this. It might be a capitalisation issue.

I’ll have a bit of time tomorrow to look at conversion issues and also might add some branding and look at the configuration

Anyway feel free to explore the posts and comment on what you think, I have test admin and user ids pre created but you don’t need those to view the posts. Should work well on mobile too.

That’s looking pretty good.

mod_rewrite will probably do the job you need as far as remapping URLs goes.

Cas :slight_smile:

The issue on rewrite is the number at the end, needs more investigation though

Kind of a surprise reading that, I was actually waiting exactly to do that.

Pity for the missing transparency and the lost chance.

Ok, enough bitching and back to work

Good work abcdef, though


I didn’t realise you were keen on helping out too!! Very happy for you to be involved and to help out as well. I saw a lot of talk about things and not a lot doing so I just went and tried to get something setup.

I’m happy to share all the commands I used for setting up discourse and for importing and editting the data. I’m also happy if more people want to get involved in customising the discourse. Just drop me a PM and we can discuss details

Didnt Phil tell you anything about it?

Anyway, it doesnt really matter much at this point, you did almost all I wanted to do.

Last thing I planned to do, which we discussed and agreed, was to merge lwjgl (to begin with) in jgo… this means mirroring the lwjgl forum structure into a jgo section.

Considering also that the jogl section is basically closed/dead because people should ask directly on jogamp forum, I’d say it doesnt make sense to bring it on discourse, let’s keep it read-only only on the old address and rename " OpenGL Development " to “Lwjgl” or “Lwjgl binding”. My 2c

Is spasi ok with moving the lwjgl forums here to the new discourse?

Yes, we’ve been considering moving the LWJGL forum to something modern and merging with JGO makes sense. Discourse is a fine solution.

Interesting, there is an smf2 importer that comes with discourse. I wonder if it would be easy to import that on top of jgo and then reorganise the categories after.

If you had a data dump we could run a test

I could share a mysql backup, but sensitive information must be removed first. I’ll let you know when it’s ready.

[quote]Didnt Phil tell you anything about it?
Yes, I mentioned both elect and Spasi to abcdef in an IM.
Probably overlooked or slipped out of mind as it was several days ago.
Anyway, I’m just glad you all are finally coordinating.

What is the issue with JOGL and LWJGL?

“Why can’t we be friends?”

I’ve always signed into my account with my Google account, and there doesn’t seem to be an option for that on the new Discourse. Is that coming? If not, how would I create credentials for this account?

Guys I would be happy to donate a Xenforo license and port all the content and users to the new setup. XF is one of the most solid forum softwares around. I have been doing web development for about 20 years now. That is easier than making a video game for sure.

I think a modern system would definitely help.

I can…

  • Port site and retain working forum links (including google results) and profiles
  • Setup reward/medal system
  • Setup Latest showcase games
  • Create dedicated homepage
  • Add request/feature here

I would recommend checking out Xenforo forum software. It’s so fast that giant forums use it, like GameSpot.

Support is there for it, but it’s not been configured yet. There are a few auth services available. It’s on the list of things to do. The priority was to get a working forum available for people to view and comment on. There needs to be a decision at some point that this will be the way to go.

What is the issue with JOGL and LWJGL?

Don’t think there is an issue, JOGL has their own forums and they like you to go there, LWJGL have their own forums too but they want to move here.