2D Rigid Body Rope Physics

I have a simple game created where I can walk side-to-side, and jump.
I have implemented a mechanic to shoot out a “string” or “rope” and it will attach to the sides of the screen.
I have very basic physics in place for the character (a white square), but this does not include mass yet. (I’m unsure whether I’ll actually need mass or not for the rope physics).
Eventually, I would like to have a 10-15 segment rope that acts realistically, but for game design purposes, I’ve decided to use a rigid-body rope for now.

My problem is that I just can’t find any resources online about the math involved in such physics.
The rope should have a fixed length, and should swing from the point of attachment on the screen.

P.S. - I have no interest in using a pre-made physics engine, unless the API docs have source code of their math.

Any help on the subject is much appreciated! :smiley: Thanks in advance!